County Score Card
District Departments
Please follow the appropriate application instructions below (electronic or paper) to begin the application process. A valid email address is required for all applications.
You can access all forms and instructions at WVDE FORMS HERE
Important: For electronic applications or paper applications, you must have an official seal bearing transcript mailed to Karen Whetsell at the Board Office or e-transcripts from the college or university can be sent directly to the WVDE at Any Questions Should Be Addressed To Karen Whetsell.
Paper Application Instructions (only for those not available electronically): Print the paper application and complete all information fields. Bring the completed application to the Superintendent's Office for review and signature. The Superintendent's Office will upload the application to the WVDE. At that time, you will be instructed to complete the online payment to the WVDE. To submit payment, use a valid credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa) at
Electronic Application Instructions: If the application is available electronically, access the online certification portal. You will be asked to register with the certification portal website. As part of the registration process, you will be prompted to either use an existing webtop account if you have been employed in the West Virginia school system or register to create a webtop login. Once you have completed the registration process and obtained a webtop account, you may submit an electronic application. When the application is ready for payment, you will receive an e-mail notification with instructions for online payment. Applications will not be processed by the WVDE until the online payment has been processed. Applicants may follow and review the status of their application via the certification portal.
Notes: Submitting a payment by itself does not grant “received” or “pending” status to any application. The correct application must also be received by our office to qualify as “received” or “pending.” All processing fees are non-refundable. Payments may only be accepted through the online payment system. Cash is not accepted. For all paper forms requiring signature(s), an original must be received. Electronic forms are signed electronically. No copies/faxes of forms are acceptable.